3"- 4" California White Sage, Lavender, & Eucalyptus Smudge Stick


A combination trio of amazing healing scents. These 3"- 4" California white sage bundles are twinned together with eucalyptus and lavender creating a calming and inviting scent. 3-4" smudge stick, however sizes may vary slightly. A great addition to cleansing & purification rituals along with the eucalyptus leaves it helps to get rid of residual energy. Native Americans started the tradition of using white sage, also known as sacred sage, to release lingering energies. White sage has been used in ceremonies to seek blessings of health and prosperity, release spirits, and to encourage protection. 

White sage can amplify any clearing and protective techniques that you are already using. As a plant and a living being, sage has a spirit. The spirit of sage is also dedicated to offering protection, blessings, and clearing. Sage can help us feel clearer, boost the energy in the room, reboot the spiritual energy in the space, ignite mental acuity, & restore our intuitive balance and center. 

This smudge stick can be used to cleanse your home or items you bring into your home, or for ceremonies, meditation, purification of the home, cleansing your car, or many other things. It can also be burned before or during any type of spiritual work, or if you are starting to feel under the weather. All our sage and herbs have been ethically harvested.