The Complete Book of Dreams By Stephanie Gailing


In thic complete book of dreams book, the author Stephanie shows you how dreamwork can be an essential part of your self-care regimen, helping you connect to a life of greater well-being. And, since you need to sleep well to dream well, she also shares an array of slumber-inspiring tips and techniques. You'll discover practical strategies to take your sleep and dreams to the next level, including how to: elevate your ability to remember, journal, and decode your dreams, enhance your sleep and dreams with lifestyle practices and natural remedies such as essential oils, herbs, and flower essences, transform your bedroom into a sleep and dream sanctuary, apply lucid-dreaming techniques and nightmare-reduction strategies, use astrology to better understand your dreams, help your children forge a deeper connection to their sleep and dreams. This 127 paged paperback book is filled with stellar insights and simple exercises, and why dreams have been celebrated throughout history as carriers of awareness, wisdom, and healing.