Solitude Cabochon Art Necklace


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This 2" long by 1 1/2" wide cabochon necklace of a channeled painting by Manoah Nova Third Eye Creations is encased in an antique style silver design and hangs on black cord. Swirling colors of green, peach, white, black, & orange & unique patters/images can be seen deep within this channeled pour painting. It's interpreted psychic message is: "Pause, and take time in solitude/meditation as your soul is longing for rest & peace within the chaos that surrounds & clouds your mind, as growth & abundance are coming, stay positive."

Wearing this helps remind you of doing just that and nobody in the world will have this exact necklace, making it a one of a kind and unique piece of jewelry to have. You can also wear it on collars, put it on a key chain ring, hang in your car, or hold it while you meditate. Comes with card meaning and on a black cord.