8mm Round Terahertz & Clear Quartz Bracelet


These 8mm round terahertz & clear quartz bracelets have 9 terahertz accent beads and the rest clear quartz beads on an elastic cord to stretch to fit most wrist sizes. Terahertz is a man-made gemstone that is said to alleviate stress and keep negative thoughts at bay this stone was discovered by Japanese scientists a decade ago. Clear quartz is a high frequency stone and is even more amplified when combined with terahertz. Clear quartz also helps promote a clear & calm mind. 

Let Terahertz & clear quartz effortlessly guide you towards a healthier, more balanced life, where you can enjoy the benefits of improved energy flow and a calmer mind. Its unique high oscillating frequency and thermal conductivity make it stand out, especially good for those seeking to boost their energy levels and combat lethargy.