Spellcraft Guided Journal


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A guided journal for casting, cleansing, and blessing. A spell's power comes from writing about it and truly understanding the intention behind it. This book/journal combines 28 white magic spells with over 80 prompts for self-discoery and growth, making it the perfect personalized grimoire for a new witch. Tuning in to past events, unconscious biases, and the connections that your own mind casts will help you lay the groundwork for self-improvement, give hope in trying times, and manifest new opportunities in these areas: Creativity, creation, courage, hope, peace, harmony, manifestation, money, and connection & love. Including a section of spells and prompts that celebrate the pagan holidays of the wheel of the year. This book will help light the magic that is already inside of you. A great addition with 142 pages with lines & pages to write with guided prompts in this paperback book.