The Divine Masters Oracle Card Deck & Guidebook


An empowering oracle deck by Kyle Gray. Unlock spiritual guidance, ancient wisdom, and healing support from 44 ascended divine masters. Comes with 44 beautiful & vibrant cards with a guidebook to help you use & interpret each card.

The Divine Masters Oracle 44 card deck brings together a congregation of enlightened souls who have dedicated themselves to the healing and nurturing of the world. These beings are universal spiritual guides and, like angels, anyone can connect and work with them, no matter their background or experience.

You may already know some of them—Mary Magdalene, Buddha and Horus—but there are many more, and they are all ready to support you on your spiritual path. All you have to do is call upon them.

Use this oracle card deck to connect and communicate directly with these beings. When your intention is combined with the imagery, meanings, and messages of the cards, guidance from the Divine Masters will come to you not just through the cards, but from within too.