Shungite Polished/Tumbled


Shungite is an ancient stone known to assist in adapting to new situations & people. When used ritually or in meditation can help to harmonize individual energy with the greater universal energy. It's particularly useful in transitioning from one phase of life to the next. One of it's most unique properties is it's ability to not take on a charge when exposed to electromagnetic radiation, high frequencies, or the influence of human emotions. Instead, it remains completely neutral, never takes on a negative charge and balances the left and right sides of the body. Is said to help a person sleep by grounding them to the earth, and is also considered a great detox stone. These have been polished and tumbled and are around the size of a quarter or smaller, however sizes all vary. 

Basic Ways to Use:

  • Hang in your car to provide protection & safe travels
  • Place in the bath to have a crystal healing detox
  • Make into jewelry
  • Carry with you for helping you adapt to new situations
  • Place around your home or bed to help ease worry & stress