Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)


Red clover is a source of many nutrients including calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and vitamin C. Red clover is also a rich source of isoflavones. Red clover originated in Eastern Europe. Used frequently in Chinese and Indian wellness systems as tonic for woman. In magic it is used in spells for fidelity, money, love, success, and protection against negative spirits. These come in a glass seal tight vial with an easy identification label. These have not been evaluated by the FDA and we are not guaranteeing any type of cure, treatment, or relief from using this product in any way. Use at your own risk and be sure to consult a doctor before using. 

Magical Uses:

  • Luck
  • Protection
  • Success
  • Money
  • Love

Holistic Uses:

  • Helps purify blood and rids the body of metabolic waste
  • Helps reduce hot flashes
  • Helps lower high blood pressure
  • Helps improve blood circulation