Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora)


Skullcap is a hardy perennial found near marshes, meadows, and other wetland habitats. Like the environment it grows in, skullcap herb has been known to instill a sense of gentle calm. Historically, it has been used in traditional folk practices to promote wellbeing and relaxation during times of occasional distress. Skullcap is an herbaceous perennial mint with ridged leaves and tiny flowers that can range in color from purple and blue to pink and white. The two-lobed flowers resemble the military helmets worn by early European settlers, hence the herb's name. 

These come in a glass seal tight vial with an easy identification label. These have not been evaluated by the FDA and we are not guaranteeing any type of cure, treatment, or relief from using this product in any way. Use at your own risk and be sure to consult a doctor before using. 

Magical Uses:

  • Increases intuition & psychic abilities
  • Dream/sleep spells & magick
  • Honor Hera
  • Love magick/spells
  • Money magick/spells

Holistic Uses:

  • Helps with insomnia & encourages a peaceful nights sleep
  • Relieves symptoms of anxiety
  • Relieves mild headaches
  • Relieves muscle tension